Lawneeti Associates
+977 9851362823

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4th Floor, Gravity Center,
Anamnagar-29, Kathmandu, Nepal

Court Fee Calculator

Court fee will appear here
RangeFee (Rs.)
Up to 25,000Rs..........
25,001 to 50,000Rs..........
50,001 to 1,00,000Rs..........
Court Fee Calculator

Lawneeti Court Fee Calculator determines the official court fee to be submitted to the Court for civil cases while filing the plaint. The Total Amount of Claim must be filled below whereby the calculator provides the Court Fee required.

A.Standard court fees rate:

S.NSubject MatterCourt Fees
APlaintRs. 200/- (Two Hundred Rupees Only)
BStatement of Defense/CounterclaimRs. 200/- (Two Hundred Rupees Only)
CAppealRs. 300/- (Three Hundred Rupees Only)
DOther Petition/ApplicationRs. 10/- (Ten Rupees Only)
EMarriage ApplicationRs. 500/- (Five Hundred Rupees Only)
FWritten StatementRs. 50/- (Fifty Rupees Only)
GConstitutional WritRs. 5000/- (Five Thousand Rupees Only)
HWritRs. 500/- (Five Hundred Rupees Only)

B.Determination of court fee based on claimed amount:

The rates of court fees for the following range of value or amount are as follows:

S.NAmountCourt Fee
AUpto 25,000Rs. 500/- (Five hundred rupees only)
B25,001 to 50,0005% of the amount
C50,001 to 1,00,0003.5% of the amount
D1,00,001 to 5,00,0002% of the amount
E5,00,001 to 20,00,0001.5% of the amount
FMore than 20,00,0001% of the amount

The Court Fee Calculator Nepal is a revolutionary tool that simplifies the complex process of estimating legal costs. By offering accuracy, transparency, and accessibility, it empowers users to navigate the judicial system with confidence. Whether you are an individual, a legal professional, or a business, this tool is indispensable in streamlining your legal journey.


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